Up, Up | Teen Ink

Up, Up

December 11, 2014
By WillCrimble SILVER, Houston, Texas
WillCrimble SILVER, Houston, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You can fool lounging guests with that face you’re wearing
while you keep looking around when it feels overbearing
but soon you’ll look up and see you’re in a hole
that you dug yourself in when you were looking for gold
and your spirit that you sold
for a couple cheap laughs that block epitaphs
because carved on it’s a name and you’re afraid that yours is the same
so you keep shoveling coal to feed that fire
when only your soul is what it desires
and it’s all a cheap gig and you’re wearing down tires
and now you want to slow down but you keep going higher
And when you reach that top, it’s a lonely place
because you’re all alone and you can’t recognize your face
and it’s a sour taste and there’s fear in your eyes
when you realize that the bottom is top and the ground is the skies
and you can never stop when you don’t want to try

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