Two Abandoned Cries | Teen Ink

Two Abandoned Cries

December 12, 2014
By Brea1031 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
Brea1031 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only two that are left behind. I am the only one who hears them. Two abandoned cries with agony among them and screaming weeping cries. Two that want help. Two explanations for this pain. From inside I can hear them, but my friends don’t know and continue on.
Their hatred is secret. They send aggressive screams that rattle my rib cage. They seem loud and they seemed quiet and grab my heart with each awful screech and rip the nerves with bitter tones and never fear their power. This is how they survive.
Allow ones coldness for it’s explanation for living, they’d all disperse like the leaves on a tree, each with one bellow after another. Yelp, yelp, yelp they say when I forget. They wait.
When I am too low and too damaged to keep pushing, when I am a lost soul defenseless among plenty demons, then it is I plead at the sky. When there is denial left to gaze at on this world. Two who expand against denial. Two who take and do not obliterate to roar. Two whose only cry is to reach and reach.

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