So thanks. Cause you saved me | Teen Ink

So thanks. Cause you saved me

December 10, 2014
By Alanna McCarthy BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Alanna McCarthy BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thank you
For all that you have done
Cause since the day I met you
I felt like I had won

My past was kinda bad
The people were no fun
I never got mad
And I never won

These people they upset me
They made me hurt and sigh
On the outside Id look fine
But Id go home to cry

Music calmed me down
Its all over the internet
And while browsing one day
I found something I won't forget

I found a community
Youtubers, they were called
People with names and faces
I was truly awed

I found a smile
An expression faked, forgotten and missed
I found a laugh in the form of a person
But I also felt dissed

Cause these people were wonderful
Inventive, and new
They opened my eyes
And I found a new view

The made me happy
Cry, and Mark too
Pewdiepie and all the guys
And my world  was born anew

I adored these people
Though we have never met
They showed me someone cared
I just hadn’t met them yet

I had found their videos
And they had changed the pain
A laugh changed my view
And showed me what was to gain

We never talked
But they cared so much
They gave and gave
And thanked so much

The opened my eyes
to the world around me
They made me see
My ‘friends’ were mean

I saw the opportunities
How rude people can be
Nut nothing really changed
Until she met me

She stopped the world in its tracks
She spun it on its head
I finally found someone
Who didn't want me dead

Shes very nice and kind
As shes always been
Humorous and helpful
She is a true friend

She has a pretty name
Its unusual too
America, I mean it
Thank you

The author's comments:

This is all about my past, and how I got over being bullied. This for all the poeple that think youtubers cant save peoples lives. A single laugh can change the world

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