I am Death | Teen Ink

I am Death

December 19, 2014
By Spirit2s SILVER, New York, New York
Spirit2s SILVER, New York, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am death
I see unimaginable things
Things that should not be seen by anyone
But I think of the peace that has come to the soul
As it fades away into my heartfelt hands

I am not savage or barbaric
I simply am the one who relieves the souls
The human’s mere encounter with death
Is merely fate and life

Everyone will eventually die
Does this worry you?
Imagine me—don’t be afraid
And I am there too see it all
Every hour of every waking day

I see the good deaths too
The ones that come from natural causes
Those are the happiest
Not that there is a happy death
But I think positive
Or at least I try

Then there are the other deaths
The ones that make you want to crawl into a corner and cry
But I must deal with them
Every day of every year that passes by

I was chosen to become death
The soul freer
Though I was chosen at the wrong time
And I remember my first death experience
It was not a happy one—I will save the gruesome details—

It was 1939, the start of the war
I came to a small town of Wielu?, Poland
Obviously someone had died
And in this case— it was more than one

It was slightly before autumn started
The air was crisp and soot filled the sky
Bombs were being dropped on the town
Caused by the German Luftwaffe,
The aerial warfare branch— thoughtless minds filled their presence

I was taking souls minute after minute
Apart from the screaming and bombs dropping,
It was fairly easy to block the noise out
Until I saw her

A small child standing in the street
Tears stuck on her face
I wanted to stop
To crouch down
To say “I’m sorry” and take away her distress
But that is not allowed
I did not do any of these things
Instead, I watched her awhile

I began cradling a new soul
This one belonging to a slim woman covered in soot
It was then I realized she was the mother of the girl I had seen
That day I took about 1,300 souls
And freed them
I am death

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