I Think It's Anger | Teen Ink

I Think It's Anger

December 20, 2014
By vanillandspice SILVER, Petaluma, California
vanillandspice SILVER, Petaluma, California
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

I don't know if I should be sad,

Because my bones used to be covered by a thick layer of fat

But now I'm fit and girls give me looks that make me want to melt

And I can look back and they won't sneer and turn in revolt

And when I look in the mirror I don't want to change the picture

Because I remember when I saw it and hoped for a better me,

And all the kids at school stopped calling me "Fatboy Slim",

It used to be that everytime I tried to advance the try came bouncing back,

And when I was invisible to you I thought I couldn't breathe,

And your look was like a painkiller that put needles in my throat,

And I never thought I girl like you could ever like a guy like me,

And your presence was the epitome of bittersweet,

And now, you like to talk and laugh and touch my arm and run your fingers through my hair,

And your eyes have that way of saying everything I want to hear.

So I don't know if I should be sad.

That I lost 80 pounds before you would even glance in my direction

That now I have everything I ever wanted

But when I used to talk to you my ears would burn from your rejection

That for you my name was never the given one, but you called out "Fatboy Slim" too

So yeah, I don't know if I should be sad,

But you.

You should be ashamed. 

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