If I Go | Teen Ink

If I Go

January 7, 2015
By DJC@180 SILVER, Broken Bow, Nebraska
DJC@180 SILVER, Broken Bow, Nebraska
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night"

sometiems i wonder

if they care
if they notice
that I’m there

would they notice
if i leave
would they care
about little unimportant me

would they notice
i no longer walk
would they notice
i no longer try to talk

would they realize
i was sad
would they realize the road
i was going down was bad

would anyone take me aside
and just to look me in the eyes
and tell me that its all okay
and that i don’t have to go away

would anyone care
if i walked away
would anyone notice
if i was gone the next day

did anyone notice
or even anyone care
that i cried my eyes out
and long and hard I stare

so would anyone notice
or would they realize
if i left tomorrow
would they miss my life and eyes?

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