ode to iphone | Teen Ink

ode to iphone

January 14, 2015
By Anonymous

The smooth glass form ever present in my pocket
Alerting me the minute it receives what Ive been expecting.
I hold in my hand and we exchange loving gazes
I remember all the times we've shared
The good times we've had
The bad times,
This beautiful contraption has been there through thick and thin
I inhale it's heavenly smell, like pencil shavings and the left over scent of my fragrance
He's always ready for more and is eager to please me
But I know I must let him rest
I plug it in to charge out of pity
I await our next interaction eagerly
I watch him dream of evolving into the iPhone 6
Encouraging him to do just so.
Some may think our love is silly or temporary,
But they don't understand us.
We are love we are life.
Oh baby I'm so thankful for your existence.

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