The Perfect Summer Day | Teen Ink

The Perfect Summer Day

January 15, 2015
By always_tomorrow GOLD, Sacramento, California
always_tomorrow GOLD, Sacramento, California
10 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't dwell on the shores of your troubles, else the tide might come in and you'll start drowning.

The perfect summer day,
filled with ice cream and sweet dreams,
and the tang of lemonade fireworks
bursting on your tongue.


The feel of fresh clipped grass
tickling your toes
as the clouds roll by.
And rainbows dancing on soapy spheres
as the sun rides low in the sky,
putting on its late evening show.


A summer where laughter never dies
and never ending smiles linger on rosy cheeks.
Hazel eyes aglow
as fireflies come out to frolic among the luminous stars
making their appearance,
beginning the glorious finale
to this perfect summer day.

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