Our King | Teen Ink

Our King

January 15, 2015
By kcee1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kcee1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Experiencing these spectacles burdened by obligatory struggles.
There is majesty here, and not just because we’re in the presence
of a magnificently regal madness.

A dragon lays waste with a breath as deadly as napalm.
Contending armies tale, in which the races of men must unite against a common enemy—
Here we are executed so gorgeously...

The most commanding figure is our King-In-Waiting.
A vast subterranean treasure trove has driven him so thoroughly and passionately mad—
the specific diagnosis is “dragon sickness,” or attraction to gold—
he can’t be concerned with the future,
let alone with pulling together an alliance that will stabilize the present.

He’s too intertwined with the gold, it astonishes and deeply satisfies.
This treasure, he declares, “is worth all the blood we can spend.”

A sense of momentousness of individual purpose remains.
Crisis and tragedy fills the battle.
His madness, comes to a point.
When he finally intercedes, it’s with courage and thrilling clarity.
For the battle has come to constitute a peerless fantasy, flawlessly rendered.

But here, we are all executed so gorgeously...

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