The love potion | Teen Ink

The love potion

January 15, 2015
By Brea1031 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
Brea1031 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The potion the magical love power. One exotic choice that presents mystery; poisonous to the mind but bring two as one. His mind, her heart. Love like the rhythm of a seven stringed instrument; like a solo ensemble pianist. The past several years that reflect unsaid words. As it arrives to the center of the heart, revealing spared sleeping feelings.
Shaking up contemporary sanctuary, influences intimate soaring actions. Enduring massive details and characters shed into alternative spaces.  Glowing crystals that flow like hooded monks, a love story altogether. Her robe transforms
a long white dress. A perfect image of love, fearless like the bright sun. As she wishes it never ends, with an outstanding ending. She awakes ghastly and fleeting sympathy, what she thought was a perfect match.

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