Shadows | Teen Ink


January 21, 2015
By AlaynaPierce SILVER, Bridgeton, New Jersey
AlaynaPierce SILVER, Bridgeton, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't waste your time asking life "why?" because it's only going to respond with "why not?"

I lay here and stare at the shadows

as they begin to near.

They grow in size

and increase 20,30,50 shades blacker.

the size only increases as

my thoughts become more rapid.

The tears begin to stream

down my face.

As I question everything

around me.

The pain increases

and the room grows darker.

The shadows grew bigger.

Suddenly I was completely enveloped

in darkness.

The voices whisper all around me

as i sit in the corner

hiding my eyes within my knees

and my ears within my hands.

I try to think

but the voices are my thoughts

in which i can not control.

"You're ugly."

"Don't trust him."

"You're alone."

All that's left or me

is to slowly, miserably

go insane.

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