Why Is It So | Teen Ink

Why Is It So

January 28, 2015
By Undertaker SILVER, Tryon, Nebraska
Undertaker SILVER, Tryon, Nebraska
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
always live to the fullest

Why is it this way?
Why do children have to live in their graves?
Why do we ignore the sick and poor?
Why don’t we realize that even though you are religious and go to church on sundays that you may be evil to?
Why can’t we see that our lives affect more than the people around us but how they treat others to?
Why must we keep this up and just act like it is human nature?
It is NOT human nature it is the hate that lives inside us.
Why can’t everyone tell that we are all killers, thieves, and haters?
We all can kill with our words, and steal other peoples hearts.
We hate what we don’t know.
Why do we fear change?
Why do we fear being different?
That is not right that should be the sin?
To look down on someone just because they are different.
This is the change we need in our lives.
Why do we turn our backs on people who dress in black and have tattoos?
Why do we think that they are evil?
They are the ones who are often your doctors and police officers.
Why do we try to hurt them with our words?
I am growing weary of all this hatred and dishonesty.
I can not say that I am different.
But I can say that I have had enough.
Enough with the lies, enough with the way humans treat humans.
I have had enough of children lying to their parents and of parents lying to their children.
Why don’t we change?
Because it scares us.
Scares us to know that if we change that it might get worse.
But that is only if change in the wrong way.
I believe it can get better
I believe that it can, no it will be alright in the future.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because so many people strugle from discrimination and I want to voice my opinion.

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This article has 2 comments.

Roiel SILVER said...
on Feb. 9 2015 at 3:30 pm
Roiel SILVER, YouMayneverknow, Oklahoma
9 articles 13 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
I believe that you should never feel compelled to explain yourself if you know your telling the truth.

I love your inside view. It interests me. I'm going to recommend this to a few people. I think that everyone should see your clear point of view. Not cristel clear, cristel lie and show false worth. You haven't a cristel here, you have a master piece.

on Jan. 28 2015 at 12:22 pm
Lightning_Wolf_Ryu SILVER, Belpre, Ohio
7 articles 4 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"God's Ready for you, are you ready for him?"

Wow so deep...