My Neighbor | Teen Ink

My Neighbor

January 28, 2015
By Chasereber SILVER, Dennison, Minnesota
Chasereber SILVER, Dennison, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Carving pumpkins with power drills
Dressed as a cowboy
Or a vampire on halloween night
Handing out handfuls of candy to kids

Fireworks explode lighting up the dark, black sky
Even on a casual Tuesday night
Firecrackers cackle while other neighbors walk over to see the show
All are welcome

Red pickup and blue car
drive through cannon cruisin days
Inside is a happy and jolly man
and me, a young boy

Same goes for the fourth of July
He and I drive around town
waving and throwing candy out to everyone
representing Scofield Drugs

He later died too early at the age of 63
I went to his funeral at John Burch Park
on a bright beautiful day
My mom spoke saying that the funereal was a celebration
We should be happy, not sad

We later moved to a new house that fall
and his daughter moved into his house
It is hard to go back down through Cherry Lane
Seeing all the memories in that neighborhood

The neighborhood will never be like that again
Fun and energetic
He wasn’t just a neighbor he was

My Friend

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