Open Eyes | Teen Ink

Open Eyes

January 25, 2015
By kaileel BRONZE, Dixon, California
kaileel BRONZE, Dixon, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is never just one thing that leads to success for anyone. I feel it's always a combination of passion, dedication, hard work, and being at the right place at the right time. - Lauren Conrad

Sometimes that’s all it takes.
Hurtful words unconsciously spilling out of their mouths.
“Hey Asian, can you even see?  Open your eyes!”
They may not notice, but even though I’m laughing with them, it really stings.
Just because I may have smaller eyes than other people, it doesn’t mean that I was deprived of sight.
Yes, I can see; I can see just like everybody else who has the gift of seeing.

“Hey Asian, why are you always happy?” 
Laughing, they’re laughing. 
Why are they laughing?
Oh, it’s this again. It’s my eyes.
Just because I have almond shaped eyes that slightly curl up at the ends, doesn’t mean that I am always happy. 
Frankly, it’s been hard to be happy lately.
I wish I were more happy.
At least I look happy right?
Just hearing these remarks are tearing me down.
I can feel it. 
Shoot, don’t feel it, don’t let it tear you down. Don’t let them win this. 
I’m better than my “Asian eyes”. 

But am I really?
All the words that they spit at me are singed in the back of my mind for all of eternity.
I tell myself not to let it get to me. I’m overthinking it, they’re just joking, I need to forget it.
But how can I possibly forget it?  They don’t like me, that’s what it is!
I know it now!  All these people who make fun of me because of my eyes are right.
I am an outcast because of my small eyes.
How can I fix this?  I want them to like me. I need to fix this.
Maybe those people are just jealous.
Yes, that’s it, they’re jealous.
No! No! No!
They can’t be jealous of my “Asian eyes”. 
My eyes are tiny slits; they’re right.
Maybe I can’t see.
But how could I have typed this if I couldn’t see?

Stop it. 
It’s getting to me again.
C’mon, I’m better than this. 
Plenty of people can look beyond my eyes.
Some don’t even notice my eyes.

I understand this now; people who stereotype others don’t do anything else but stereotype others.
Whether it’s someone they know, or a total stranger, they will, forever, judge people before they truly get to know them for who they really are.
For those who let these rude remarks hurt them, I say, don’t let them taint your self-esteem.
You define yourself.
She can define herself, they can define themselves, we can define ourselves, he can define himself, and that’s how it should be.
Nobody has the right to tell me that my eyes are too small.
People are different and there’s a reason for that.
If I looked just like you, I would be ruining your originality. 
Take this as a favor from me to you.
I am willing to respect and GIVE you the freedom to your uniqueness if you give me mine.
Is that a deal you can make?
It all starts with you; it all starts when you open YOUR eyes.
The next time someone criticizes me on my eyes, I will not let it eat me up inside.
My “Asian eyes” don’t define who I am, and neither do the people who make fun of me for them.   

The author's comments:

I wrote a poem about the stereotypical "asian eyes" because it is something I can relate to and it's a topic that I feel very stongly about.  I have alot of confidence in this piece and I hope people like it and it's good enough to get published! 

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