Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 5, 2015
By Gallith SILVER, Pewakee, Wisconsin
Gallith SILVER, Pewakee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the birth of life, gust of energy.

From 1997 to today and beyond the futures new century.

I am from Cocoa and his love,
as we played and played all day thereof.
From string, to mice, and even a tree
we spent a lifetime just him and me.
I am from the time when I felt afraid,
as my cat Cocoa hid under a tree for some aid.
I am from when his last days came,
as I struggled to face his ending flame.
From four to nine that March Monday morning,
I found him seizing and began my mourning.
I am from the longing despair for his love,
as I think time and time again of him above,
for my mind flutters like a dove.

I am from the dirt of the old,
where my life unraveled the new.

From my reach for success
in sciences progress.
I am from my love of nature, as I explore the world
searching for answers from critters in air, on the ground, or even burrowed.
From foxes to horses, even to owls in the sky
I have watched in awe as they catched my eyes.
With feathers a flutter I become excited,
as owls and birds become alighted.
From the disk face of a Barn Owl to that of a Grass Owl,
my interest increases as I study a prowl.
I am from the yearning of the sky as I let my dreams fly,
for one day I hope to be high in studies of the sky,
For I really hope to understand owls eye to eye.

I am from the music made from my oboe,
as I achieved state from the sound of my instruments solo.

From singing to dancing and playing a tune,
I have achieved happiness which money can’t make true.
The skills I have might be like magic,
only to show my own true talent.
I am from the flute that whistled along,
to the part of my heart that sang a song.
From being bullied by the other flutist,
I found my way to become an oboist of the truest.
I am from my ever increasing talent
while my mind is absent.
I am from the old,
the new,
and everything in tune...

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