I Am From . . . | Teen Ink

I Am From . . .

February 6, 2015
By Emilyparr1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Emilyparr1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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I am from . . .
A family of five even though it feels like a family of three.
A house from the 2000’s even though it feels like the 1950’s
A distinct smell of antiques and smoky-oak wood.

I am from . . .
A family where music notes are read more than words in a book.
A house where I hear The Gospel on Sunday more that I hear my own thoughts.
A distinct smell of Hollyhocks but only in the spring

I am from . . .
A family where I hear my brother’s drums that his own voice.
A house where Christmas is held every year
A distinct passion for living

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