She is... | Teen Ink

She is...

February 6, 2015
By PastryChef2019 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
PastryChef2019 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is Joy
a bundle of black, who brings smiles and happiness
a princess, with servants at her eternal cry
Watching the world move, while she stays stationary.

She is Energy
a perpetual fireball, who brings exhaustion and delight
a firework, with every action, bold and unexpecting
Watching the world move, while she explores all things.

She is Creative
a pattern of colors, who brings curiosity and cheer
a rainbow, with colors coloring the sky after a storm
Watching the world move, while she paints the roses red.

She is Sadness
a lonely tear, who brings sorrow and hopelessness
a painting, with every stroke being thought out, but repeately judged
Watching the world move, while she wonders what is the point.

She is Yearning
a craving passion, who brings hope and anticipation
a sunset, with the knowing that tomorrow brings another day
Watching the world move, while she awaits the future.

She is Hopeful
a budding flower, who brings optimism and elation
a sunbeam, with the light leading the way to her future
Watching the world move, while she waits for a better tomorrow.

She is Happiness
a collage of color, who brings joy and animation
a smile, knowing that her future awaits
Watching the world move, as she continues to move with it.

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