On Huckle Berry Street | Teen Ink

On Huckle Berry Street

February 23, 2015
By paper_thin BRONZE, New York, New York
paper_thin BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is never to late to be who you might have been" - George Eliot

My scarf and hat hide my face. My chunky pants hardly let me walk. I shuffle through a fresh patch of snow.
I look up, but all I can see is a light gray sky, with millions and millions of tiny white dots parading down onto the streets of Chicago.

The wind blows all the tiny snowflakes in one direction.

They hit a store window.

It’s a flower shop. Frost is climbing up onto its display window. A tiny circle is untouched, just enough for me to see through.

My stuffy pink nose pats the humid glass.

There are a lot of white flowers, all smushed together as if they were trying to keep warm.


I can see the tiny dots of pollen inside their out stretched petals, as if they want a hug. All the flowers are white. White like the snow on Huckle Berry Street.

All the flowers are strung into the shape of a snowflake.

I remember the first time I saw snow. I held a big mug of hot chocolate in my hands. “You see that snowflake on my hand?” My papa would say to me. “You can search for a million years and never find a snowflake like this one. You will never ever find another snowflake as beautiful as this one.” Papa would let the wind blow the snowflake away. “Bye-Bye snowflake.” I’d wave my little hand.” And it’s the same with you.” Papa would smile.” There will never be another baby girl as magical as you.” I miss my papa.

My papa made that display. I hope they never take it down. I hope they never take my papa’s display down.

Because they’ll never find another one like it.

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