All I Want | Teen Ink

All I Want

February 27, 2015
By Madelin Larson BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Madelin Larson BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here I am,

it's 11:30pm and I still have homework,
procrastination at it's finest.
Yet what's the point of trying,
When I know my smarts will not pass the AP tests.

Here I am,
working a nine hour shift on a Sunday,
"hi, how can I help you?" and smiles galore,
I earn some money, but somehow I'm still poor.

Here I am,
hating school and most people,
like every other mean misanthrope who thinks they are lethal.
They say these should be the best years of my life,
and yet all I can think of is the afterlife.

Sometimes all I want to do is run away,
far into the woods to never return,
living off nature and enjoying the wildlife.
Never paying taxes or bills,
just being myself, with all my bushcraft skills.

In the end, It's all just thoughts and dreams,
of this sleep deprived, lazy, and self-pitying me,
who wants nothing more than to be happy.

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