Sadness Is... | Teen Ink

Sadness Is...

March 10, 2015
By Jessica Mohrlang BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Jessica Mohrlang BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sadness is...
The burden that brings me down,
the hell I cannot escape.
The star in the night sky,
the one I long to hold.
The flower in the garden,
the one that cannot be picked.
The ray of sun,
that blinds my path, the path I was supposed to take.
The strand of ivy that pulled me back,
held me down and wouldn’t let go.
The snow freezing my feet,
so cold I cannot move.
The summer drought,
that killed the harvest. My future.
The leaf who fell,
The night sky,
dark and hidden.
I am the burden that brings me down
That makes me who I am

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