Words From The Heart | Teen Ink

Words From The Heart

March 17, 2015
By matta_c99 SILVER, Plainville, Connecticut
matta_c99 SILVER, Plainville, Connecticut
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are the strongest creatures, yet we are damaged beyond repair."

A girls biggest fear
Is to not be loved,
Is to not be wanted,
To not be told she deserves all the world could possibly give her.

A girls biggest fear
Is abandonment,
And Judgement.
We know we have a place in the world but some days,
Knowing doesn’t feel like enough.

We want to be loved
And to be held
Without feeling overwhelmed with the pain and loss from the past.
Wishing the memories could just fade.

We get used and abused,
Physical or mentally.
Both amounting to the same damage
that threatens to repeat over and over in your head.
It starts to feels like we’ve got nothing else to lose.
What more could possibly get snatched away.

Night after night
Tear after tear
It’s an ever endless battle that seems to be pointless.

We gather our strength and we hope and we pray
That one day,
This pain would just go away.

As life goes on,
we stop wallowing in fear and learn to be happy.
And the one thing it taught…
Was to forget our better judgement and live freely,
Regardless of the dismay that gets shot our way.

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