Soar Away | Teen Ink

Soar Away

March 18, 2015
By Anonymous

My mind is like a puzzle
A delicate ball of thoughts
Thoughts that could be fatal
or could be jackpots

My mind filled to the brim
With emotions and other…things
Thoughts and feelings that leave me hanging on a limb
I look over the edge and there you are

Your hand extended towards the sun
Then our eyes meet
I see your thoughts and emotions
They fill my mind to the point of overflowing

And as I stop and think about your thoughts
I look to the sun and you look at me
and I know what you need
you need wings

You need wings to soar and to fly
Off to the sun
To the sun and beyond high
In the sky far beyond the eye can see

I wish and I want for you to spread wings
To jump and to soar and to be free
I want to see as you fly over ceilings
Maybe stop and land in a tree

And when you land we could talk
Talk about thoughts and emotions
Wasting our time not checking a clock
Before you fly away I will tell you I miss you tons.

And as you fly into the sunset
I will shed one single tear
Wishing you luck
As I think about next year

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on Mar. 24 2015 at 12:41 am
Loving. It is important to share thoughts and feelings with someone you can trust and cares for you. Thoughts and feelings come from your soul and souls never die.

on Mar. 24 2015 at 12:36 am
What about next year? That was nice to lend a hand and set them free. You are very compationant and living.