call a spade a spade | Teen Ink

call a spade a spade

March 19, 2015
By Desi. GOLD, Healdsburg, California
Desi. GOLD, Healdsburg, California
12 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stars can't shine without darkness."

Call a spade a spade
How are we defined?
Popularity, body image, and prettiness
Not all can see past these traits
Though there is about 1% of people that can
Not many people can see outside of the box
Let alone the inside.
Why do we let society and social media define us
Define yourself
Not to let people know you are who you are
But so you know who you are
Confidence is a necessity
Not something you come across
You can gain it or never have it
Being sure of yourself is having it and never letting go
It’s to be as treasured as your life
Make up, hair, and dresses
A girl stereotype
We are to look pretty with the illusion of make up
And our hair is to be a plume of softness and vibrant color
Our figures to be perfect to fill our dresses
Too much weight is bad, yet
When we try to get what society calls skinny
We are shamed
What is right and what is wrong?
Are we to be ashamed of who we are?
So what if we gain a few pounds
Or are a few inches too small
We arent perfect and perfect doesn't exist
Who truly is flawless?

The author's comments:

this is a poem i think all tenage boys and girls should read.

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