A Phone Call Away | Teen Ink

A Phone Call Away

March 27, 2015
By livirose1498 GOLD, New City, New York
livirose1498 GOLD, New City, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where are you?
You're on the phone I’m aware but that voice
Is different
There’s no wanting to be heard
I sometimes think a busy signal would be a
Better conversation than the constant silence I always endure
You seem so far away
Which only adds to the physical distance put between us
I want you to be here
I need you to be here but
It’s so impossible to say I need my mom
It’s so unrealistic
Why can’t you hold me and tell me everything will be alright
Why do I have that precious moment now with a teacher
Who I love dearly and not you?
Why couldn’t you ease that screaming headache
With a touch of your hand
Don’t you know how much I miss
When you’d soothingly pat my back
And tell me how I’m your pretty girl
Why can’t I rely on you…
I need you so badly
Yet for my own sake I hold back
So I don’t experience the real heartbreak

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