Sky Full of Stars | Teen Ink

Sky Full of Stars

March 20, 2015
By Sword0fPoetry PLATINUM, Bonney Lake, Washington
Sword0fPoetry PLATINUM, Bonney Lake, Washington
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
There are two ways to spread light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. ~Edith Wharton

I look up into the Night
I watch the stars restlessly
I see you in a constellation ever so bright
The stars’ light beating the Night darkness relentlessly

Music plays in my head that remind me of your eyes
My heart beats hard against the bones in my chest
Then I remember the horrible goodbyes
That Night I was a shipwrecked mess.

My heart will forever be yours
No Blade of Steel can pierce it.
Especially since you’re not a bore
A weak candle now lit.

The stars tell my story
Shooting by with whispers
The Only others that know are the Moon and Me
And maybe the Nocturnal Critters.

Your past made you hurt
I understand, love
Really I do and Life can just be a kick in the dirt
Cause I know my innocence is no dove.

All the memories remain
My soul keeps them archived
The words are books without stains
Something that’ll never be deprived.

Your every text burned into my mind
Your face in the darkness of my closed eyes
And your were incredibly kind
Your tongue told no lies.

Your heart beat that I never felt
Pulses against my palm
The heart deals with what it wants dealt
My heart rate unusually calm.

Your heat radiating from under your chin
Ever so steady
Warms my skin
My Mind shut down but my body ready.

I take your hand and compares to mine
My fingers tiny in comparison
I giggled as if it were an obvious sign
If igniting my heart was a crime you’d be charged with major arson.

I wish I could know what Eros or Aphrodite had in store for us
Could we return to what we were?
In the gods I trust
I hope you just say sure.

You’re the one guy I fell for
The guy I was calm and thought I felt love
The rhymes come from my core
Oh please help me, gods above.

Cause I look into a sky full of stars
And the darkness is no longer comfy
Cause it lacks the feel of your car
And the sound of your words, sweet as honey.

And When I yawned
You’d pick me up princess style
And take me to the home I yearned
I would feel like such a small child.

I’d wake the next morning next to you
The stars obscured by sunlight
You’d whisper, “Morning boo”
And My heart would melt.

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