The Lore's Eyes | Teen Ink

The Lore's Eyes

April 4, 2015
By Violet_Neque BRONZE, Lynwoood, Illinois
Violet_Neque BRONZE, Lynwoood, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am not "everyone".

Brown doesn't cut it...
That deep color is much more than merely brown;
It glows,
The glow is unlike and light I've ever seen.
Those eyes are like calm waters,
The color remains captivating but it doesn't break.
There are no black lines or hazel streaks to interrupt the flowing perfection.
Too dark to be amber...
Despite that amber-like glow,
They show the wariness. 
You've lived a thousand lives;
Haven't you?
Oh, how tired those eyes are. 
How wise,
How divine,
How beautiful...
Most things get better with age.
Those eyes haven't changed.
Every day they glow. 
No matter the whirling storms,
Despite the sleepless nights, 
Never withering with the passing seconds.
The purpose in that glow is to light lives, 
Lovely torches of perseverance,
Beauteous beacons of sympathy,
Light my path to enlightenment...
Show me the good,
Warn me of the bad, 
And allow me to carry your glow in my heart,
Forever beating in the grace of your sight. 

The author's comments:

To my Lore

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