Weeping Sounds | Teen Ink

Weeping Sounds

April 2, 2015
By 6scheifen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6scheifen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A soft plush cloud and clean, cut grass, to roll around in.
Scorching sun, rays that change shades across my fur--what an odd thing.
Immense trees, reaching their branches for the winged animals. A place to call home.
Unbreakable chains, digging in like blades. No where to run.

Screeching sounds, piercing.
Open wounds, blood gushing--so warm and thick.
Harsh phrases, spewing like venom from a poisonous snake.
Dangerous actions, urge to fight my way through it. No escape.

Blood, flow of warm liquid, no time.
Mind drifting, thoughts across the transparent sky--why is this happening?
Bright light, calling to me, like the whistles I followed to get home safely.
Breath steady, last one, yearn for a better place.

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