Epoch of Human Catastrophe | Teen Ink

Epoch of Human Catastrophe

April 2, 2015
By Gallith SILVER, Pewakee, Wisconsin
Gallith SILVER, Pewakee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From the start,
Earth began molten rock.
Lava formed to rock, and rock into land.
From comets came ice, forming water.
Asteroids hit, bearing life,
life begins.

From the start,
bacteria ruled.
Cyanobacteria, new life,
an advanced world owned by oxygen.
Fish to mammals of land,
life begins.

From the start,
we arrived.
Humans dominated habitats,
animals perished in human fire.
Species die, few prevail,
life begins.

From the start,
a change held eminent.
Extinction rose to a new feat,
destruction ensued natures world.
We are left with nothing,
life begins.

From the start,
we created the end.
With animals gone and no plants left,
we stripped the Earth leaving nothing left.
Humans lose what had been,
life exists no more.

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