Alone in this world | Teen Ink

Alone in this world

March 30, 2015
NicoleLathrop18539 PLATINUM, Adel, Iowa
29 articles 0 photos 15 comments

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When you realize who the good people are in your life, you're so lucky.

NO one understans me,

they think they do,

they sit there judgeing me with ou knoqing me,

they talk behind my back.

i pray every night for someone to see,

to see what i have gone  through,

to see and not judge me,

to see and understand me,

but every day they dont,

they think every scar is self harm,

not abuse,

but oh boy they are wrong,

what the hell is wrong with them i say,

why cant they just except me for who i am,

but of course they dont,

so i sit,

waiting ,

and watching

for that one person

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