Observing the Riverside Apocalypse | Teen Ink

Observing the Riverside Apocalypse

April 2, 2015
By SeanStraka GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
SeanStraka GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A course of rushing water, clear glass-like water, gradually eroding the rivers rocky base.
On the rock and dirt shore. Roots Gnarl up and stretch through the shore.
A mink emerges from the roots, scurrying along the border between water and land rushing through the brush
stonefly and its larvae scuttle along the river base, symbolizing a clean stream.
the wind blows by, the smell of the shore, lush leaves and red pine, the sharp smell of the sappy bark saturating the air.
But alas, this is no longer so
The water is now muck
The rock and soil is now dirt with garbage galore. discarded beer cans clutter the floor.
scud macroinvertebrate have replaced the flies.
The Minks are still here, just not as well, food and shelter at loss there children begging for more.
The wind is still blowing, but the the scent isn’t there.
Instead the exhaust and trash flood the air.
Yes this isn’t ideal, and far from acceptable
We can fix this though. We change it for worse, lets start changing it more.
This time for better and forever more
We will remove the Garbage, sending group down the shore
disregarding the cans that litter the floor.
we can clean our water that is for sure
We just need to change the pollution factories make.
no more pollutions filling our lakes,
onto the air, we can fix that to
making our cars electric, removing the thick CO
The fixing will be slow. But together we can fix it for sure

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