Gaping Mind | Teen Ink

Gaping Mind

April 2, 2015
By Siani Null BRONZE, Wexford, Pennsylvania
Siani Null BRONZE, Wexford, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stuck between meaningful and meaningless
Keep in the color
Push out the thick grey mist on days like today
"Find purpose in the ordinary"
They say
But some things aren't so easy
When searching turns to scratching
Then scraping and then digging within your heart
That hurt leaves holes
That lie forever in the seclusion of the gaping mind
Attempted to be filled with life and joy
Great things to complete the day
And cover up those patches
But evaluation passes and never measures up
The hand keeps turning on and on
Can't be paused on the best memory
Which finds itself fleeting
Never to be held
Securely again
From inside the deepest point
Where I stand at the bottom looking up
Only at this point will
I surrender
Surrender to all pain
Surrender to all darkness
Surrender to every part of my controlling mind
I let the beautiful, pure light blind me
Encompass me
I trade my life for freedom
A freedom that says
Some things aren't so easy
But now they carry no importance
They no longer scrape at my heart
In torment
Because they are singing out
A song of grace
Now I have no weakness or longing
Because I an being carried by who is
Mightier, Brighter, Stronger

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