There on the bench | Teen Ink

There on the bench

April 5, 2015
By CaptainKirby SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
CaptainKirby SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Things don't get done unless somebody does them."

As she sat there on the bench
She fiddled with the cold metal handle
And thought about it was her closest friend

As she sat there on the bench
She refused to think of the laughs
Of the friends and family she had spent countless days with
Of the happiness she had

As she sat there on the bench
She forgot about the two boys
Who admired her from a distance
But wouldn't say anything, because they were best friends

As she sat there on the bench
She lamented about the small time
She had been laughed at instead of with
She had been scorned

As she sat there on the bench

As she died there on the bench

The author's comments:

I haven't experienced this feeling before, but I imagine this is what someone has to go through to convince his or herself to commit suicide.

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