A Little Story | Teen Ink

A Little Story

April 7, 2015
By Riverlikeawhale SILVER, Madison, Wisconsin
Riverlikeawhale SILVER, Madison, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun glowed and warmed on her skin;
the sky a perfect painting of mesmerizing blue.
The wind fanned and exhaled across the canvas;
sweeping and tracing the rims of the mountains.
like hot liquid butter, streamed the hills.
The whole vision of this was dreaming on a sprinkled ocean.

Her bike smoothly slid into the humming rhythm of the sound of Greece;
flawlessly becoming part of the embrace.

Her hair glided soothingly, dripping into the wind.
long strands of deep amber.
The mountains opened to a collection of cottages,
sprouting together as a town.
The town lay a still heaven in the waves of the mountains.
Her thick, dark eyebrows resting peacefully above the pools of ocean charmed to be her eyes.
Her crisp eyes opening and searching the paradise of her new home.
Her skin a soft copper tan that shimmered when it hit the sunlight.
Her lips pink satin; the gates to her mind.

The buildings now became detailed;
all now individuals in the sea of concrete.
The buildings radiated their essence.
Some dressed in caramel yellows,
then soothing pinks, and to weeping blues.
They were all wearing verdure and bathed in sunny kisses.

She had now reached the admix of people.
All posing different faces, stretching different clothes.
Then she spotted her destination.
A soft organization of foreign shops and hidden in them,
a food market.

There were some words.
Some smiles.
Then there was some knowledge.
That it meant something more.
He knew that.
She knew that.
It was special.
And at the time, they just watched it grow.
They were just spectators.

I like watching it in mute.
Like a silent movie.
She spots him,
and grins.
She usually walks with her shyness,
swims with her timidness.
But this time its different.
It has to be different.
Otherwise I wouldn't have played this story.
In this story, its him.

He is love, she thinks.
And he thinks the exact same thing.

He's been watching her prance in the market long before she even picked at the mangoes.
She's so gorgeous,
he thinks.
His eyes trace her soft, lean legs;
then map out her curves,
mocha crescents as they rest upon her body.
His eyes reach up and take her face.
Enchanting anyone who chance a gaze at her.

Her lips fall as rose petals;
they look so delicate to the touch you just might break them.
Now she looks up.
She smiles.

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