Fear Me | Teen Ink

Fear Me

April 9, 2015
By Hisaye BRONZE, Harrison, Arkansas
Hisaye BRONZE, Harrison, Arkansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is our choices that show us what we truley are, far more than our abilites." Ablus Dumbledore.
"Believe it!" Naruto.

Fear me, for I know things you could never dream about. 

Fear me, for I've seen the horror life and death. 

Fear me, for I'm the outcast, and seen reality on its worst days. 

Fear me, for you have threw me into the pack of wolves and I have returned, leading the pack. 

Fear, for my bad past and experiences. 

But mist of all ~

Fear me, for I have survived, 

And I'm back, 

Stronger than ever. 

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