Repeat After Every Thought of Him | Teen Ink

Repeat After Every Thought of Him

April 11, 2015
By missboundsy BRONZE, Oakley, California
missboundsy BRONZE, Oakley, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every morning I try to remember that I'm only the second biggest loser to walk Grizzly Hills High. First place goes to the drunk slut who screwed the dead mascot in 1992. But the 90's are history, and so am I.

The Beatles suck,

I wish you texted me more,

Why couldn't you just hold my hand,

Acting is not a real career goal,

You're eighteen not twelve,

Why didn't you kiss me,

You eat like a bird,

You're as emotional as a robot,

And your theater program ain't s***.


I can't stop thinking about you.

The author's comments:

I was broken up with.

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