Tale of the Koi | Teen Ink

Tale of the Koi

April 13, 2015
By Emma Fitch BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Emma Fitch BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the foot of a pond, the boy sits, legs crossed. “Thank you, Yin.” he says.
Yin brought day to the East of Asia and Yin bestowed warmth to the boy’s little toes.
The boy tapped his finger to the blue waves… golden sunshine danced on the ripples of cold water.
Yang brought the moon to the East of Asia and the cool breeze to the boy’s blue blanket.
at the foot of a pond the boy sits, legs crossed. “Thank you, Yang.” he says.

At the foot of the pond, the boy recalls a story his father put before him
of once when Yin’s white and orange scales shifted violently;
fluttered and dashed toward the man-made waterfall.
At the top, Yin emerged a beast with scales the size of the sun.
With the boy at his feet, the father recalled, he held a dragon’s golden gaze.

At the foot of the pond the boy began, but now he inhaled water.
At the foot of the pond the boy began, but now his courage took him farther.
At the foot of the pond the boy began, but now he was almost to the top of the rock.
At the foot of the pond the boy began, but now he prepared his final jump…
At the foot of the pond the boy began, but now he breathed blue fire.

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