Don't Look Back | Teen Ink

Don't Look Back

April 22, 2015
By VDwyer BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
VDwyer BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
How many goodbyes,<br /> do i have to say?<br /> before you can feel,<br /> this pain i portray.

I have twenty four hours in a day,
that goes by like a flash.
Why let it go to waste,
by keeping my head in the past.

Look up..... look forward,
just don't look back.
Because at the blink of an eye,
Your day is vanished and sacked.

Tomorrow is over,
and you missed it all.
So quit living in yesterday,
Push forward...eyes tall.

You want to be happy,
you want to live great
but our foundation relies,
on a level of self motivate.

Don't expect change,
by just sitting around.
Get up! Push forward!
Then your goal shall be found.

You aren't handed a trophy,
merely rewarded.
So don't hold out a hand,
like a hungry orphan.

Work like you've never before,
do this and I guarantee.
I'll promise you a life,
of pure symphony.

A good life is earned,
with a wealthy work ethic.
Abide by your strength,
Then your Success will be epic.

The author's comments:

I hope people will realise that in life we tend to keep our head in the past. However the truth to success is to look at what we have and strive for our future.

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