Excursion | Teen Ink


April 28, 2015
By itstrishyo SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
itstrishyo SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space."

Tick  Tock


Time, an immortal figure

Vibrations fill the air,  clouds mesh like gears in the sky
Seconds are loud, silence is louder





A lonely cry late at night, echoes the galaxy and a sky, splattered with stars,
He waits for an answer
Echoes blur together, his howl dances along empty trees
A mute shadow, his only friend.




Faster, as loud as his pulse.
The ground,  a rapid river pulls the moon,  triggering a tide beneath his feet
A mission,  he is sent.  With purpose,  as if every second was his last.




His armor pierces through strong winds and crochets himself through overpowering forests
A bodyguard, a bulletproof shield of valor. The unspoken declare to never flee your side


                tick, tock,tick, tock,


A dedication, until his last breath. A will with only your name on it.

Warmth, from his presence. Lights the firewood in your heart when you are deserted.
                                tick  tock


CRASH! The lamp descends with the swing of the tail of a T Rex
“Heel” “Sit”
The relationship grows like overgrown weeds as seasons come and go


tick,  tock,  tick-


His collar rings to the song of


tick tock

As he runs down the stairs for dinner

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