Taken Away | Teen Ink

Taken Away

April 24, 2015
By Andrew Ayers SILVER, Dennison, Minnesota
Andrew Ayers SILVER, Dennison, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Zabrane, weggenommen, nalla, lây di.
They all mean the same thing,
Taken away.

Drafted all of them were.
They were stuck
in that God-forsaken jungle.

66 was the year
the 4 cooped up
in a hot, metal tank.

A polak, german
Korean and Georgian
made up quite the group.

Their mission was simple,
go across the flat
and get to the other side.

Who needs to worry?
Don’t even need to grab
the gun.

No one knew they
were there in that tall grass, watching,
waiting and ready to die.

They start out across
creeping through
and talking of home.


“Did you hear Jimmy turned 10?”
“I’m gunna be  a dad!”
“I can’t wait to see my daughter!”
“There they are!”


If they had only heard
that Private shout.
But it was too late

In that instant
everything stops.
No one can hear.

With the shot fired,
a son was lost and 2 widows were made,
but one, just one survived.

He is now haunted
with the screams of pain
from his lost best friend

The wounds have since
healed, but he tells me
they never really have.

A son still lost,
still are 2 widowed wives,
and one still remains, his
soul taken away, never to return.

Because even though he survived,
he tells me that deep down inside,
he really has died.

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