Danger Zone | Teen Ink

Danger Zone

April 26, 2015
By Faedarcel SILVER, Vista, California
Faedarcel SILVER, Vista, California
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
For god and country, I will end your life.

I see you trying to fight the darkness away. You try and you try and yet you get nowhere. I want to help, I long to fight beside you in this never ending war of life.

I wish we both could wave our banner against a blood red sky, I wish we left the Danger Zone. But fate has choosen another path for us..... Or more like you.

While I am trying to be friends with the voices in my head and the shadows on the wall, you... You have dropped your sword and sheild, and started to pick up a knife.

Our friends may not notice it but, your pride is on your sleeve, hopes and dreams on the floor, and your banner that was once laced with pride is now replaced with white.

When I charge, you retreat. When I fight, you cut, when my sword is lined with enemy blood, yours is lined with your own.

You were never taught how to heal, I was never taught how to stop. You find comfort in hiding in the light, blined by your own foolishness.

You and your depressed ryhmes, have brought the worst in me. You know I can't control myself, yet you sit in your room alone whising that the pain would go away and someone loved you.


Babe I am here to save you! But I am going to crumble if I keep your empire standing. I can no longer take your pain, I want to  stay but there is no reason I should.

And no matter how much you cry my love, you will never leave this hellish zone. You will never the danger zone unless you take my hand and fight. 

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 23 2015 at 12:05 am
Faedarcel SILVER, Vista, California
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
For god and country, I will end your life.

This is not Faedarel, this is B. Magnusson

on May. 23 2015 at 12:02 am
Faedarcel SILVER, Vista, California
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
For god and country, I will end your life.

I like the writing and the story. You will make a great writer one day.