I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

April 28, 2015
By Donald Pham BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
Donald Pham BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a Vietnamese family and I will never forget their names.

From a father that left and never came back,

A mother that was left behind, and

A brother that died because of me in my arms.

She tells me it isnt my fault,

But i know in my heart it was.


I am from soft, soothing, songs,

red-orange flames, and a past that i can never forget.

I am from eating rice and vegetables with an old, damaged, married, couple down the street. 

I am from people calling me a frog-face and blaming me for the lost of their family.


I am from learning piano from a doctor that was in the war.

From dancing on black and white keys in a rythmic pattern and getting lost in it's melodious sounds.


He compliments me and teaches me even though I am from Vietnam and he had fought my people.


I am from a new family now, with a loving mom, a caring dad, and a toddling brother.

From an American family, always there for me helping me with my past.

Still, she appears in my dreams with her honey-like singing and I will never forget her.

The author's comments:

This is'nt based on my life, but on the life of the main character from All the Broken Pieces by Ann E. Burg

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