Anxious Contraption | Teen Ink

Anxious Contraption

May 4, 2015
By Anonymous

I constructed these walls.
These high towering monsters.
I built to keep out humanity,
Or maybe my humanity.

I constructed these walls
They crumbled, collapsed in on me.
My own contraption
Deceived me before I knew.

I constructed these walls.
I eliminated my fate.
I let emotions rampage,
then cease to exist when a person is near.

I constructed these walls.
I shut out the evil.
I secured myself.
No, I confined myself.

I made this contraption
For me, and against me
I killed myself.
I am the true sinner.

The author's comments:

I did this to myself. I hope no one ever shuts out every lat person. I hope that this will tell you that I didn't help myself in the long run. I crippled my wings so I couldn't fly. Now that I want to do something, I can't bring myself to it.

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