Dear Birdy | Teen Ink

Dear Birdy

May 9, 2015
By ADPJ_ BRONZE, Springfield, Massachusetts
ADPJ_ BRONZE, Springfield, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The game stays the same kid... The players they change but this game we're playing called life that stays the same until we beat it... or get eleminated

We’re like birds as babies our mothers feed us, take care of us. And at a certain time in our lives we get pushed from the nest free falling down to us, the unknown awaits. But magically we fly sometimes soar in the sky. Seeing beautiful things along the way, meet beautiful birds. Smell beautiful food. And sometimes we’ll be brave and sit on the street and dare anyone to hit us. Or other times we are scared and sit up in a tall tree. Where no one will see us. It doesn’t matter who or what we are we will get hit hard by a wall we call love.
Love will take care of you while your wings are broken love will feed you while you can’t fly up…up in the sky. You’re paralyzed by love. And you become comfortable. Though you look at the sky and wish you can fly. You look love in the eye and you chirp your words. But love can be cruel love can break even the strongest birds, love can break an eagle. But sometimes it will be there forever and always.
But one day love will push you out of your nest you became so cozy in, either because love dies or love is bored. Now you’re back to the day you flew, falling out of a tree that is so high. There goes the unknown again you don’t think you can make it. The ground is so close now. Rock bottom is a kiss away. But before you hit it your wings will catch you and you will rise up again just like you did as a child. You will fly the same sky, see the same and some new birds, you will smell the familiar food you missed.
You’ll be fine little birdy I promise. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this after seeing my mother cry over a break up my mother i consider an Eagal so sorts and to see her valnerable made me write this peice 

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This article has 1 comment.

msjillz727 said...
on May. 30 2015 at 3:58 pm
I am so so proud of you!! I can't tell you how happy I am for you.. I know you are going to do amazing things in your life and you are just getting started.