Who She is | Teen Ink

Who She is

May 13, 2015
By Ginatj BRONZE, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Ginatj BRONZE, Green Bay, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't become a stereotype

Her eyes tell a story much deeper than love,
her voice sounds like an angel sent from above.
What she doesn't realize, everyone does,
forever she will be a soulful beauty.

The way she walks, and the flame in her talk.
She knows what she’s doing, she knows what she wants,
she just hasn't found anyone who would let her,
let it flaunt.

She knows who she comes from, she knows where she’s going,
she hasn't had anyone stop her and tell her
“Honey, you, are somethin’”but,
she doesn't need that, she already knows it herself.

She has 2 book cases, 7 trophies, each shelf.
She lets her actions do the speaking, her mother taught her well
“Actions speak louder than, well, words”
but her words were so powerful, they shook the very earth.

And it took so many people by the collar,
and gave so many people just one extra dollar.
Now, many people don't know this, but, she used to be poor herself.
Eating out the trash can, bumming on the streets.

See, people never care where you come from,
unless it has to do with the riches and the fame.
They don’t ever care where you’re heading to unless the spotlight’s
their name.

It’s not about what she gets from it, it’s about who she’s giving it.
She doesn't buy the new Jordan’s, Versace, Armani.
She buys a new home for the homeless, and help littles find a new mommy.

The author's comments:

This piece, was also kind of just a spurred writing momment. I feel really connected to this piece. I think it speaks from a lot of perpectives and really catches peoples attention. I actually won first place in a poetry contest when I entered this poem!

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