I Am Content | Teen Ink

I Am Content

May 15, 2015
By raven_ BRONZE, Noblesville, Indiana
raven_ BRONZE, Noblesville, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Last November was hard.

I was sent to the hospital, to be watched
to make sure, I wasn't going to drop.
I was scared and alone,
to think in the dark.
To think about all my Sins.
Thinking about how I was once strong,
but my depression wanted to tag along.
It beat me every night, leaving me in dead sight yet no one knew,
of the hell i went through.
It dragged me down.
It wanted me to drown; to suffer and
It was always around.
From when I woke up, to when I went to bed.
It wanted me dead, I said okay and went ahead;
I swallowed the pills, I survived.
I put the noose around my head, I survived.
I held up the knife, I survived.
I tried to overdose, we tied.
but I'm still alive, fighting the battle
with very little cries.
"get over it" they say
"you're faking" they exclaimed
"you just want attention" they shared
No one knew,
No one cared,
I fought this battle alone,
I never knew why
but I am alive.
I'm beating my depression,
I'm beating my self hate.
For now,
I am okay.
I am great.


The author's comments:

this is about a hardship I had to overcome. 

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