Sunday Mornings | Teen Ink

Sunday Mornings

May 17, 2015
By Alexis Ryan BRONZE, Rockwall, Texas
Alexis Ryan BRONZE, Rockwall, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Groggy eyes open,
“Now what?” he asks,
Sleepily she smiles
Pause. Breathe. Hush.

She turns to him and watches as
Morning rays play across his face
Pause. Breathe. Hush.

What a funny pair they think,
“What an odd pair are we?”
Her with her free spirit and big dreams
And him with his late night TV and sad little car,
They were all chemical fights and passionate nights,
And lazy Sunday mornings

“Coffee” she says “and the funnies”
They don’t move but they will
There is no rush on Sunday mornings
Pause. Breathe. Hush.

The author's comments:

I was reading poems about couples that were too different so they didn't work out and I wanted to write about a couple that worked because of their differences. This is loosely based on my parents who have been together for over 25 years and are complete and total opposites but work well together.

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