Lost at sea | Teen Ink

Lost at sea

June 1, 2015
By annabethv BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
annabethv BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"High school? Bullshit." -Perks of Being a Wallflower

No matter how many times I repeat my catch phrase
of “f*** school” or “school doesn’t define me,”
It’s still going to come back and bite me in the a**.
Grades are what define us.
I try and I try and I try
to get that idea out of my head,
but I’m so consumed by that idea
and people who live out that idea,
I’m undertaken by it.
The undertow of school
Pulls me out to sea.
Well should I say
I haven’t touched the warm sand in years.
I’m treading water out here on my own
As I watch the other people who are
held up by inflatables and rafts
and whistles to blow when they’re drowning
When all I have are my arms and legs
made weak by the many years lost at sea.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in the middle of the year when I was feeling completely helpless because I figured I was incapable of succeeding. 

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