Chocolate traits | Teen Ink

Chocolate traits

June 1, 2015
By annabethv BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
annabethv BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"High school? Bullshit." -Perks of Being a Wallflower

The chocolate traits. Thank you father. Mother, thank you for my voice. I’m not much like you but I sure do sound like you. I remember eating the rice and hamburger helper, almost every night. Burger King was a real treat the one time a month that we went. Dear mom, why do you have to go on tuesday nights? “Just for money Bethy.” Daddy smiled as mom went a wrapped the black apron around her waist. Daddy liked his job and was one of the few rulers of the church. Walking into church, my sister and I felt like celebrities. But many years later, we turned into the Kardashians that no one cared for. We hadn’t changed, but authority did above my father. “I want to pastor the people.” “Get out.” “Guys, dad has been fired from his job because of Sean Bublitz.” “Oh.” my sister and I replied wondering where his next paycheck would come from. A years work of straining his body almost to the point of exhaustion everyday, he works from sunrise to midnight straying away. You want to see your dad or have him look up from the computer? Give him a back massage. Dad, can you please just stop for a day? You’re killing yourself slowly.

The author's comments:

I compiled my family's struggles into a paragraph.

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