Friendship | Teen Ink


June 1, 2015
By ShannonShannon BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
ShannonShannon BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Can anything fill up a starving mind when feeling lonesome?
A stream of warmth welling up the heart,
Always providing guidance in life------
It can’t be seen, but it exists.
It is untouchable, but it touches the heart.
Like the sweetness of donuts and hot chocolate satisfies every single taste bud.

Friendship is about encouragement.
When I fail, and
Drop in the black hole which is full of helplessness and hopelessness
Friends will be there, accompanying me, bracing me up and seeing it through with me.
Like the first sunshine breaking through the darkness at dawn.

Friendship is about comforting.
When I weep in grief,
My friends will be around me,
Hearkening to my bitter experience and trying their best to make me feel better.
Like the mother sheep always telling its newborn baby sheep,
Don’t be afraid!
Take one step slowly, then another step.
Will a reservoir dry up,
If no one constantly pipes water in?
Will a flower in the pot die,
If no one waters it?
Yes! Of course!
Friendship is like that.
I can’t merely receive.
My friends also expect my care,
Friendship is reciprocal in order to bloom.               

Is friendship something hard to handle?
The only thing I need is my full heart,
To be sincere,
To be genuine,
To love.
Just like Christmas gifts,
Not only receive, but also give.

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