The Revolutionaries | Teen Ink

The Revolutionaries

June 10, 2015
By kristen1146 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
kristen1146 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 We are a misinterpreted generation
Labeled as the trouble makers
Labeled as the disrespectful
Labeled as the mischievous
We are constantly told what to do
And how to act
Without asking how we feel about it
We are labeled again and again as something damaging to society
But in reality we should not be defined by our mistakes
Instead we should be defined by our success
We are the generation that can start a revolution
We can finally break free of the oppressive rules
That this society has told us are necessary
Because the magnitude of opinions different than our parents are finally being noticed
We can free our bottled up creativity and energy
And let our individuality stand out
We no longer oppress the blacks
We no longer oppress the gays
We no longer oppress women
We no longer oppress the different or the interesting
But instead we accept everyone else and ourselves for who we are
We are the generation that can change the world
And how it views humanity
Call us the revolutionaries
Because we have the power
Because we have the numbers
Because we have the ideas
The creativity
The technology
The understanding
The acceptance
But most of all
We have the love that can change everything.

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